Monday, March 16, 2009

The Littleton Loop

This article concentrates on the Littleton Big Dry Creek Trail, but I will comment on a few things on the other trails I rode in connection with it. The little verticle marks in a box on the map indicate where I stopped to rest, clean my trach, or make notes for this article, or stopped for traffic or traffic lights at street level crossings. The starting and ending point is a circle with a right arrow in it.

I parked at the Carson Nature Center in South Platte Park, see their Facebook website HERE, at 9:00am and started North up the Platte River Trail.

At mile 1.9 (all distances are approximate) I passed the Hudson Gardens. Their site and their facilities are worth a look.

About 100yards further brings you to the entrance path for the Platte River Bar & Grill. A great place for Mexican food or giant burgers and accessible from the trail. In fact Fran & I had lunch there immediately after this ride.

At mile 3.9 I came to the start of the Big Dry Creek Trail. (mileage referred to about this trail are all from this zero point). The trail starts with a long bridge over the South Platte River, winds under South Sante Fe Drive and several sets of Railroad tracks before coming to the Englewood Canine Corral at mile .5. Click HERE for some Doggie pictures at that site.

The trail is wide concrete, smooth, and generally follows the creek. By the way; Big Dry Creek is neither big nor dry. There is a Little Dry Creek, which I haven't seen, so maybe "Big" is relative. All along the trail are picnic areas, cabanas, playgrounds, ball parks, etc.

The trail gains some elevation and then at about mile 1.0 runs along the border of the Pirates Cove Family Aquatic Center.

At mile 1.5 I came to the new portion of the trail that is under construction. The concrete trail is finished. The construction crews were grading the shoulders, replacing vegetation removed during construction, and finishing the Broadway access ramp. They were kind enough to permit me to ride the trail, even though it s closed, and after passing under Broadway I was again on finished trail. The trail continues up a deep canyon and finally rises out of it at mile 2.5 and ends onto Powers Ave.

Then East on Powers Ave (maybe half a block), North on Washington (God, what a climb!) gaining 100 ft in elevation in only 500 ft of road. I use my motor and peddle like hell. Right on Sunset Lane (still climbing), zig across Clarkson Street to Sunset Court. Continue East to where a trail leads off the cul-de-sac. This little 30 yards of trail takes me to the Highline Canal Trail Where I rest for a bit. I am now at about mile 6.78 since leaving the Nature Center and have gained 220 feet in elevation.

The remaining 14 miles of the ride are South on the Highline Canal, West on the C470 Trail, and then North on the Platte River Trail back to the Nature Center. Giving back the 200 plus feet of elevation coming down the C470 trail at 20 to 25 mph was a thrill and much more fun than climbing it.

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