Sunday, July 19, 2009

Kaiser Permanente Moonlight Classic 2009

Last night, July 18th, 2009, I joined somewhere between 6 and 10 thousand other cyclists to ride in the Moonlight Classic. I participated in the Family portion of the Costume contest, had a great time, but did not win anything.

They said the course was 10 miles but my GPS says it was only 9. The weather was perfect and the course was, for the first time, closed to other traffic. Riders were released in waves of five or six hundred every few minutes. This did a nice job of spreading the riders out and reducing accidents.

The ride started at the State Capitol and proceeded east and south to the Cherry Creek Shopping Center and then back into downtown Denver, around town and back to the Capitol.

The group I was in was especially diligent in expressing their thanks to all the police who were blocking and managing traffic at intersections all along the course.

In my Uncle Sam costume, a birthday gift from Cassandra and Scott (my youngest daughter and her husband) I was a popular target for photographs and got lots of shouts from the crowds along the route.

I was unable to ride and get pictures at the same time so all my photos are from before the ride actually started.

I recommend this event for all levels of equipment and rider conditioning.

The Moonlight Classic Website
All my Photos of this event

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