Monday, August 03, 2009

Big Dry Creek - Standley Lake Area

This morning I took a ride up the Farmers Highline Canal Trail to the Westminster Rec. Center, picked up the Big Dry Creek Trail and rode to Standley Lake. As I reached the base of the Dam I was confronted by this sign:

Here is a close-up.

I recommend you avoid this area until Jefferson County reports the area safe.

Here is a link to the Jefferson County report of Plague in the area:
Click Here
On the positive side, The very dangerous crossing of the trail at Old Wadsworth has been replaced with a first class Underpass and it is now open.


  1. Yikes, thanks for letting me know..although I've never had a desire to touch one of the prairie dogs.

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  3. Holy crap. My dog killed a prairie dog not to long ago, but at least it wasn't in a plague area. That's frightening. I think of the plague as outdated. Guess not.


  4. Hey, I just discovered your blog and really enjoy reading it. I was wondering if you could share some insights about cycling in the Westminster area with me. You are obviously very knowledgeable about bike trails in the Denver area. Have you been cycling around in other parts of Westminster too or just the Lake Standley area? Does that city have a much of a bike culture? Are you aware of any new construction of bike trails in Westminster and the area? How does the city of Westminster compare to other areas in the Denver metro in terms of bike-friendliness? I know these are very specific questions but if you could just share some general insights with me about biking in Westminster that would be much appreciated. The reason I am asking you is because we (The Street Plans Collaborative) are currently developing a proposal for the planning of a bike master plan for the City of Westminster. You can send me an email, reach me at ronald (at) streetplans (dot) org. Many thanks in advance!

  5. bro, that's insane to read there's a plague warning right on the trail you ride on! i mean, i'm from netherlands, but we don't see such warnings.. but again, here we have 4 seasons and it rains a lot, so we might have other challenges here which you guys up there won't have. i'm going to ride a 60 km roparun tomorrow 15th, and it's gonna be a blast! dirt, wet, difficult, hard terrain, with hills and downhills, soggy sandy trails and hard dirt roads, something tells me i ain't gonna arrive spotless! let's hope my garmin forerunner 305 gps receiver records the challenge! ohh check out my site as well! http://garmin-forerunner-review and leave a comment to mine. anyways.. happy rides!

  6. I thank you for letting me know and also for the web link to the Jefferson County report of Plague.


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